This is a summary of the whole trip, that I put together at some point since arriving back in England. I kept a log of the whole journey, and marked the route on an atlas - both lost to the mists of time. 
Our arrival in Miami here, and my first few hours in the United States:

Obviously, even quite early in the trip I was becoming quite annoyed with my travelling companion, and the seeds of our 15 year rift was sown.

Our arrival in Miami here, and my first few hours in the United States:

We sat in quite a few airports in January that year.
I was still pretty miserable about finishing with J---- though travelling was taking my mind off things a bit.

Miami saw a helicopter trip, a ride on the tiny monorail system, and my first erection for several days. Hooray!! At last. I was getting over the first girl I fell in love with. Sort of.
From Miami we went to New Orleans. Then Memphis where we quickly found Elvis - standing on a tiny plinth...
I liked Memphis. It was real. It was a small industrial city - severely run down by the recession. We visited Sun Studio and elvis's Graceland mansion. I took time out to warch the Mississippi rolling by. It was grey and cold the whole time we were in Memphis.

After Memphis - Texas, houston and Dallas. We stayed in the Holiday Inn in Dallas. Visited South Fork and took a look at Deely Plaza, and the book repository. Then on to Albequerque, where in thick snow we changed buses to travel, in a blizzard, to the Grand Canyon. This I was really looking forward to.
The last stretch of the journey was across the desert, overnight mostly, arriving in California in the morning. Anaheim. Motel. Indian family from the west of London.
Against my better judgement we visited Disneyland. this in itself was a compromise as
Colin wanted to do Disney World in florida. I agreed to Disney Land and Universal Studios.
My overwhelmng memories...girls with fat arses....queues....absolutely loads of food concessions and merchandise shops....Pirates of the Caribean (which may have been the best thing, teribly dated, but in a good and slightly scarey way)....Peter Pan ride...and a roller coaster completely in the dark.

Then from Anaheim to LA. Not really my sort of place, but worth seeing.
San Francisco - I'd read that the trip over to Alcatraz was the best trip in America. And it very nearly in the exercise yard:
San Francisco - I'd read that the trip over to Alcatraz was the best trip in America. And it very nearly in the exercise yard: